Sunday, May 26, 2013

Quality time!

     Spring has definitely sprung!  And with it, a lot more things to do.  But it's the good things, though, that leave you well-rested for the night.  While planting strawberries with my husband, it felt wonderful to be outside again after being cooped up all winter.  The wildflowers and newly-mowed grass mixed together in a fragrant breeze and the river sparkled in the sunlight.  It just doesn't get any better than that! 
     Oh, but wait it does!  Our friend called and wanted to visit us with her daughter on Sunday.  Next thing I know, we are enjoying wonderful food sizzling way on the grill and a terrific visit with some good friends that lasted well into the evening.
     I have always been one to worry about what I should be doing and not just enjoying the moment.  This weekend, I swept the worry under the rug and had a terrific time!  I still managed to run a few errands, work a 9-5 shift on Saturday and get some laundry and dishes done as well, but spending quality time with my husband and good friends...priceless! 
    Tell me about your weekend!  Did you get some quality "me" time in, even if it was just a little?  Did you set back and just soak in your surroundings with all of your senses? 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day

     This weekend, my thoughts have naturally turned to the idea of motherhood.  As we were growing up, we didn't think too much about what it takes to be a mother.  Honestly, we didn't even think about it at all.  Mom was just there when you needed her.  It's not until we became parents ourselves, that our concept of motherhood begins to really take shape.
     Then all of a sudden, you are trying to remember what your mother would say or do at each stage in your child's life.  You hope that you are doing a good job, but you are never quite sure.  But like I have said before, it is not just about the destination, it is also about the journey. 
     Do the best you can as you raise your child. Teach them how to become the best person that they can be.  But more than anything, enjoy the journey of raising your child. Don't wish it away, saying "I can't wait until this stage is over", or something similar.  I love my son dearly and have enjoyed all the years that I have been blessed to have him in my life.  But as a single parent who held a full-time job and went to college for much of his childhood, I feel like I just "made it through" many of those days.
     Now, he has only one year left of high school.  We have been having many discussions about planning his future.  Knowing that in a year or so, he will be "on his own" has me wanting to turn back the clock and start the journey over again.  But, I will enjoy every minute of the time that we have left together in this house.  I will enjoy this part of the journey, and I look forward to helping him reach his destination.  What a beautiful ride this has been so far!  I am very blessed to have taken this journey, and also to have been given a wonderful mother to show me the way.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013


     What a beautiful weekend we had here!  My husband and I got a lot of outside chores done while the weather was nice.  But we were truly blessed when our friends came over.  Sometimes, you find yourself torn between staying home and getting things done around your house, and visiting with your friends.  You would love to visit with them as much as possible, but you also haven't been home much in the last few weeks. 
     That's when it is nice to have friends that can help each other out whenever possible.  We don't always have to go somewhere to get our visits in, or spend a lot of money.  Both families have bought fixer-uppers, and can use all the help we can get.  While I was working, they borrowed my husband a few weeks ago to help with fixing up their porch.
     This weekend, as we were working outside, the family pulled up to bring back the mower they had borrowed.  Next thing I knew, the children were helping me weed, the other hubby was helping my hubby work on his truck, and the two of us moms were putting a supper together.  We got a lot of visiting in and a lot of work done,  all in one day!
     What a blessing it is when you have good friends like we do!!  We became friends because our sons did many years ago.  But we have stayed friends because it is nice to know that whether it is with your children, home, pets, tools, chores, you name always know that you can trust someone to have your back!!!