Monday, September 16, 2013

Looking Up!!

       Have you ever been in one of your favorites spots and just happened to look at everything around you differently for a change?  One morning recently, I woke up early and went outside to sit by the river.  It was earlier than usual, and very few people were in the park across the river from us.  I took some great pictures at the pretty scenery around me. 
     Then, for some reason, I decided to look up.  And couldn't stop looking.  Even though I had been enjoying the scenery around me, I had never really given a second thought to getting a new perspective on my beautiful surroundings.
     I guess that it is that way in life, too.  You get stuck in a rut or feel like there are no solutions to some of your problems.  Then, something forces you to look at life from a different perspective...and, voila!  Life isn't perfect now, not by any means.  But, it looks a little better.  You may know which fork in the road to take now.  A different perspective may have helped you to solve your problem.
     So, as you go about your day, just remember to look up, or down, or all around.  Get a different perspective.  Think outside the box.  You never know what might happen!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Take the pledge!

    I can't believe that it is already September!!!  Time is flying!  I have been keeping busy the last several months and time has just flown by lately.  But, as the next several months will start to speed up at work and home, I will need to force myself to just slow down and recharge my batteries sometimes. 
   So, as we start to gear up for the holiday season coming up, let's all make a pledge to take some time everyday for ourselves!  Let's help each other out as much as possible.  Keep each other sane and not feeling guilty.
   So, who's with me on this?  Who's going to pledge to take this pledge with me?  Even if it is only a few minutes or so, who promises to take time for themselves this holiday season?