Three-day weekend...whatever shall I do? Hopefully, a little of everything, if I am lucky! My husband and I have several projects that we want to complete this weekend, but other than that just plan on enjoying each day as much as possible.
We just moved to a new area and have been busy exploring the county as much as possible. Between local festivals and county sightseeing spots, we have kept ourselves busy just having fun!
Last weekend, it was to a neighboring town for a Tractor Show, that also featured pioneer living and flea markets. My hubby and I both had a blast enjoying our own interests and learning a little more about the other's.
So, who knows what this weekend has in store. Will it be more exploring, or just getting the TV and DVD player hooked up for a movie or two? I vote for errands, a small project or two, a little exploring and, maybe, still time for a movie.
What do you think~Can I fit it all in? What does your weekend hold in store for you? I would love to hear what is going on in your world!