Saturday, March 30, 2019

Google+ Is Disappearing

This post should only affect a few of my readers, but is information that I need to let you know...

Google+ is disappearing as of the beginning of April. If you were a part of the Google+ community and followed either of my blogs on there, this will concern you.

If you will see not be seeing my blog posts for or for because of Google+'s disappearance, please do one of the following:

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  1. ) On the right side of the screen, look for the word "Followers" with photos below it. Click on the blue Follow button below the photos. That's it! You should be able to follow the blog now.
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  1. ) On the left side of the screen, look for the word "Followers" with photos below it. Click on the blue Follow button below the photos. That's it! You should be able to follow the blog now.
  2. If you would rather follow by email, look for "Follow by Email" on the left side. Type in your email address and click on "Submit". It will send you an email. In that email, click on the "Confirm" button. That's it! You should now receive a post whenever I add one to Fledgling Endeavors!

I hope you have been enjoying the blogs, and will continue reading either, or both, and in the future. If you have any questions, please put them in the comments below or send me an email at

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring Has Sprung in Indiana!

It's not that I listen to inanimate objects or anything

But when both the outside thermometer🌡🌡🌡 and the calendar were talking to me....
Yay!!! Spring has arrived!!! ♡♡♡
It would have been downright rude of me to not listen!  LOL

They were conspiring with my steps counter to get me to take a walk. I am very easily brainwashed, so I gave in!

And, so happy that I did!!!!

It was so beautiful outside, and the temperature was perfect.

Beautiful sky and the tree is budding!
Some of the trees have started to bud. And the bushes (I think that's what this was!).

Even more budding going on!
The almost-deafening sound of bullfrogs led me down to our pond behind the Cabin and Guesthouse. As I was attempting to look for the noisy little buggers, I came across this blackish blob in the water.

What could this blackish blob be?
The hubby helped me devise away to get a closer look without getting my feet wet, and I was able to take a better photo.

It looks like we have a whole lot more of those noisy buggers coming soon! Lol

I am not sure of how fast the life cycle of frogs are, so I will have to do a little research. 

Frog Eggs! Tadpoles-to-be!
Guess I will be taking a few more walks this spring to do some scientific research on the this "blackish blob"! I love watching little squiggly tadpoles!

What signs of spring have you noticed now that spring is officially here on the calendar?

Leave a comment below, and tell me about it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Following Your Dreams: Advice from Pa Salt

You know you love to read when you are taking advice from a character in a book! 📖📘📖

Doesn't everyone! Lol 😀

But wisdom can come from many places. Pa Salt is a character in a series of books, called the The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley. He adopted and raised six girls to adulthood. As they are all starting to go out on their own, they learned that he has passed away.

Learning to navigate their lives without him, the wisdom he imparted throughout their lives starts coming to mind.

~ "Trust your instincts, Tiggy, they will never let you down."
That's what Pa Salt had said to me many times. "Life is about intuition, with a splash of logic. If you learn to use the two in 
the right balance, any decision you make will normally be 
right," he'd added...

                      🌜   The Moon Sister by Lucinda Riley   🌛

●Intuition + a splash of logic (in the right balance) = right decisions●

What a wonderful formula for following your dreams!

Many times, we don't follow our gut instincts because we are too scared. We talk ourselves out of following what makes us happy, before we've even given it a chance.

So, take the advice of Pa Salt!

Pay attention to your intuition, gut instinct, or whatever you like to call it. It's trying to tell you something ~ like a wake-up call!

Now take that intuition, and add some logic. Reach for the stars🌟🌟🌟, but also study the sky🌃
as you do.

Crunch the numbers 🔢, look at the whatever you need to do.

Just don't give up on your dream!!!

Keep following your intuition, adding that splash of logic and keep them in the right balance!