Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday's Musings ~ Pledging to Take Care of Me

As we begin this holiday season 🦃🎄, what is the number one question on your mind?

I am guessing for most of you it falls somewhere between "Did I get everything I need at the store for my Thanksgiving dinner?" and "Did I remember to add (insert name here) to my Christmas list?

~ But this is truly the question you should be asking...

#1 Question to Ask Yourself This Holiday Season

  • Am I taking care of myself? 

Are you? And I don't mean this in the flossing, eating your spinach, and jogging around the block kind of way! Although physically taking care of yourself is important, that is not the point of this post.

Taking the Pledge to Take Time for Me!

So, stop what you are doing right now. I mean it! 

Now, say with me, "I am taking time for me right now". 

That's it! You got it! Now louder! Say it to yourself, to your family, our friends! Whoever needs to hear it! As long as you keep saying it to yourself!

So, take the pledge along with me!

"I, (your name), promise to take time for myself today!"

To spread the word, please share this post on FB, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest! As you share it, type your pledge into your post! 

And don't forget to add the #taketimeformepledge hashtag!

I would love to see this spread like wildfire! We all need to take at least a little time for ourselves! It is the best present 🎁 you could ever give yourself! 💟💟💟


  1. This is something I forget every Holiday season and for the most part all the year long. I've promised myself to work on this in 2020.

    1. Remember that you are your Number #1 priority! Set an alarm if you need to, pencil it in a calendar...If you make even small things a part of everyday life, it just starts to become a habit.

      I will be checking in on you throughout the year! I won't let you forget about taking care of you!

  2. This is a timely reminder for us who aims to enjoy life more but forgets to prioritize ourselves in the process. Thank you!

    1. It is so easy to do, because we get caught up in what the world wants from us. Glad to help everyone remember to take care of themselves!
