Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Beautiful Way of Learning my Directions

My husband will be the first to tell you, I am extremely lousy at directions!!!

🚗🔄 🚗 🔀🚗

Do not even bother using silly words like North, South, East or West!
That only confuses me more, and we don't want any of that either!! 😕

But, after witnessing a beautiful sunrise, I have come upon a great way of learning my least out here at home!

The sun rises in the East.

Front porch of Guesthouse, looking Southwest.

Southwest in the afternoon means long shadows!

Southwestern sun and icicles

A view of one of our disappearing ponds,
and the creek (in background), looking Northwest.

Looking Northeast at our other
 disappearing pond

Tell me, what do you think?


  1. From one directionally challenged person to another....... Whatever it takes to make directions make sense, grasp it with both hands and your mind!!!!
    Personally, the only time I can make sense of directions is when the sun is coming up or going down. But don't ask me what's north and south,even then. Lol

  2. Eileen, exactly!!! North and south are just those two in between the sun settin and rising, right! Lol

  3. Beautiful is the key word in this post.. love you!!

    1. Thank you, Pam! I appreciate the compliment! Love you,too!
