Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Enjoy the trip!

     I have to admit to you that I almost didn't post anything today. Not because I don't have anything at all to say, but completely the opposite.  I have so much rolling around in my mind tonight, I wasn't quite sure if I could manage full sentences that made any sense. 
     In a little under a year, I have had to say goodbye to several people.  One was my father, who taught me how to be content and make the most of my life.  He kept his bills paid and made a good life for his family.  But most importantly, he always made sure to take time for his family and friends.  As children, we would go with him to visit a sick relative or an old friend. In almost 80 years, I don't think that even a week would go by without my father brightening someone's day.
    Within the last several weeks, my coworkers and I have also lost two good, caring women that had overcome many obstacles in their lives.  Both of these ladies cared very much about the people around them and would do anything for you.
    Why am I telling you this tonight?  With the loss that we are dealing with today, I have been reminded again how important it is to make sure that people come first in your life.  Everyday, enjoy your life and the people in it!  As you are travelling toward your destination, take the time to talk to your travelling companions and look out the window. 

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